Youd think that by now wed all stop falling for supplements which promise to blast belly fat or drop pounds while still eating cupcakes, but youd be wrong. Powerful marketing continues to dupe vulnerable people into wasting their money. Here are the common selling points (ahem, lies) that youll find on the label.
Weight loss supplements are a general category designed to accelerate weight loss, typically by one of several ways: suppressing your appetite, blocking absorption of nutrients, or increasing the number of calories you burn. These benefits come from any number of key active ingredients. You might have heard of some: ephedrine, capsaicin, caffeine, and yohimbine; and brand names such as Hydroxycut and Alli.
This Mens Health article cuts through the bullshit of the most common marketing promises on these supplement labels:
Some supplements can work if you use them alongsidesurprisegood ol diet and exercise, but be warned: there are plenty of sometimes dangerous side effects. The beneficial effects, if any, are typically so small that youre better off just saving your money and just exercising and eating right.
Contributing writer. Nomad. Miscellaneous ramblings at
Read more:
The Most Common Lies Told By Gimmicky Weight Loss Supplements - Lifehacker Australia