By: Wendy Wesley, RDN, LDNRegistered/Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist
For News Talk Florida
Its easy. It tastes great. Its affordable. Its lauded by doctors and scientists around the world as the number one diet. What is this miracle plan of eating?
Its the Mediterranean Diet and it exists 100% at your produce stand and grocery store. No pills, shakes or supplements, Just 100% real food.
Heart-healthy?Check. Preventative of diabetes? Check. Cancer and dementiaprevention? Check. Fresh, simple and recognizable? Check, check andcheck.
TheMed Diet blends the basics of healthy eating with the flavors andcooking methods of the Mediterranean. It is based on fruits,vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, seafood, some whole grains,some lean protein and some unsweetened dairy, olive oil and red wine in moderation.
Itis not, as some think, based on the never-ending pasta bowl or pizza.Nor is it based on fancy cooking with esoteric ingredients. Basickitchen skills and equipment apply here: a sharp knife, cutting boardand a series of simple pans or a grill.
Willyou lose weight of the Med Diet? Yes. Can you reduce blood pressureand blood glucose? Yes. Can you reduce or eliminate medications? Yes?
Willyou doctor endorse the Med Diet? Yes. Will you have more energy andstamina? Yes. Want more fiber to keep your gut moving along happily?Yep.
Worriedabout dementia and Alzheimers? The Med Diet is for you.
Whythe Med Diet?
Interest inthe Med Diet began in the 1960s with the observation that coronaryheart disease caused fewer deaths in Mediterranean countries, such asGreece and Italy, than in the U.S. and northern Europe. Subsequentstudies found that the Med Diet is associated with reduced riskfactors for cardiovascular disease.
TheMed Diet is one of the healthy eating plans recommended by theDietary Guidelines for Americans to promote health and preventchronic disease.
Whatis the Med Diet?
TheMed Diet is a way of eating based on the cuisine of countries thatborder the Mediterranean Sea. It is typically high in vegetables,fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds and olive oil.
Themain components of Mediterranean diet include:
Otherimportant elements of the Mediterranean diet are sharing meals withfamily and friends and being physically active.
PlantBased, Not Meat Based
Meals are built around plants and thefoundation of the Med Diet is fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans,legumes, pulses, herbs, fruits, spices, herbs and seafood. Someunsweetened dairy, poultry and eggs are permitted. Red meat anddesserts are enjoyed occasionally.
Healthyfats, all unsaturated, are a mainstay of the Med Diet. Theyre eatenin lieu of saturated fats found in animal products and trans fatsfound in highly processed and shelf-stable foods which contribute toheart disease.
Oliveoil is the primary source of added fat in the Med Diet which providesmonounsaturated fat found to lower total cholesterol and low-densitylipoprotein (LDL or bad) cholesterol levels. Nuts andseeds also contain monounsaturated fat.
Fishare also an important in the Med Diet. Fatty fish like mackerel,herring, sardines, albacore tuna, salmon and lake trout are rich inomega-3 fatty acids. They also help decrease triglycerides, reduceblood clotting, and decrease the risk of stroke and heart failure.
Thevinaigrette below is a beautiful and easy homemade dressing thatworks as a salad and vegetable dressing plus a marinate for roastedor grilled vegetables, poultry and fish.
LemonyGreek Vinaigrette
cup freshsqueezed lemon juice1 cup olive oil3 cloves garlicpressed or minced1 and tsp dried oregano or 3 tbs fresh,copped1 big pinch each salt and fresh ground pepper
Putall the ingredients into an old jar or mason jar and shake. Thelonger it sits, the stronger the flavor. Serve with fresh vegetablesand salad greens. Buy what is in season and what you can afford.
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The never-ending pasta bowl: what the popular Mediterranean Diet is and what it is not - News Talk Florida