Someone worked hard to lose weight. They went down pounds on the scale and sizes in their clothes. They looked great until they took their clothes off. Their skin didnt exactly bounce back. Have you heard of this happening?
Fear of loose skin is a commonly cited reason overweight people arent motivated to slim down. Take this real message-board post as proof:
i am so afraid of what im going to look like once i lose this weight. when i lose the weight my skin is just going to look like draping. so nervous and find it depressing. i know im going to need tons of plastic surgery.
Granted, Id choose skin that looks like draping over diabetes, heart attacks, limited mobility and other side-effects of obesity any day, but loose, saggy skin is a bummer nonetheless.
The amount of loose skin that remains after weight loss varies by individual. Not everyones skin sags afterwards, and it depends on several factors: total weight gained and lost, age, total muscle mass and genetics.
If youre considering losing weight, here are also a few tips and tricks that will prevent/ limit the amount of loose, saggy skin youre left with. I call them the four Ss
Stay strong
Maintaining or increasing muscle tissue is a major key in minimizing loose skin. Loose skin occurs when the underlying layers of tissue shrink under a larger surface area. If muscle mass is lost in addition to fat, it creates an even larger void under your skins surface. In contrast, increasing lean tissue fills the area underneath the skin, keeping it taut. To stay strong, eat a high-protein diet and incorporate strength training into your exercise routine.
Slow and steady
Losing weight slowly (one to two pounds per week) is one of the most important things you can do to prevent loose skin. Wanting to lose weight as quickly as possible is understandable, but it doesnt give the skin time to adjust to the weight loss. Slow weight loss also plays in to the stay strong aspect of loose skin when you loose weight quickly, youre likely losing fat and muscle.
Gently brushing your skin with a soft, boar-bristle brush before you shower will increase the circulation in your skin (and feel great). This increased circulation will bring nutrients to the skin and improve the quality of collagen and elastin, which will improve the skins ability to bounce back.
When dieting, supplement with vitamins C, A, E and K as well as the B-complex vitamins. These vitamins are all important to skin health. Choose a formula that includes minerals as well. Selenium, copper and zinc are minerals that are vital to healthy skin. Some vitamins formulated specifically for skin health and beauty will also include nutrients like alpha-lipoic acid, DMEA, MSM and hyaluronic acid.
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Read more:
The surprising reason some people don't lose weight - Personal Liberty Digest