For many people, exercise is an important part of their lifestyle and is key for those hoping to lose weight. Moving more can help burn off extra calories with will help burn fat more quickly. What are the top ten exercises to burn calories?
In order to shape up, dieters must burn more calories than they take in.
A healthy diet plan will help those hoping to lose weight keep on top of their progress.
Combining this with regular exercise can speed up results, according to
The website said: How much weight you lose depends on the amount of exercise youre willing to commit to and how closely you stick to your diet.
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If you really want to see results reflected on the scale and continue to make progress over time, you need to commit to working out at least four to five days per week.
Most exercise enthusiasts are willing to dedicate one hour to a gym class.
If spending that time working out, dieters can maximise their weight loss by picking the right exercises.
In fact doing one workout in particular could burn nearly 1000 calories in just one hour.
Running - 965
Water polo - 839
Bicycling - 710
Calisthenics - 710
Circuit training - 710
Jump rope - 671
Stationary bicycling - 622
Rowing machine - 622
Aerobic dance - 587
Swimming - 587
Comparing various sports, high cardio exercises came out as the most effective for burning calories.
Running came out on top, burning nearly 1,000 calories in just one hour of the sport.
The amount of calories actually burned can vary depending on the weight and height of the slimmer.
Factors including the pace and intensity of the workout will also make a difference.
When trying to lose weight, following an intermittent fasting diet plan can boost the metabolism, Corin Sadler, nutritional therapist and product developer at Higher Nature, explained.
He said: Research suggests with no change at all to diet, i.e. the same amount of calories, simply delaying breakfast by 90 minutes and having dinner 90 minutes earlier might have an effect on dietary intake.
Those who changed their mealtimes were found to have eaten less food overall than the control group and lost an average of two percent body fat than those left to eat at unrestricted times.
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The top ten exercises to help you lose weight fast - which burns the most calories? - Express