It makes me sick to my stomach to watch people preying on the poor pathetic souls who think that there are secret, magical ways to drop weight.
That's tantamount to the magic pills that are supposed to make your penis bigger. Preying on the one, universal weakness that most men have, penis envy.
None of that stuff works. I've never tried any of the penis stuff, but I can't say the thought never occurred to me. Who doesn't want extra inches on their man meat? In this society, and most, manhood is measured by how much meat you are packing. So naturally, many of us are looking for the edge.
Weight loss is no different in this same society. Vanity runs things. The world treats you better when you look good. Men envy you, and women want you when you have a six pack.
Conversely, the world looks down on you, and you are not desirable if you are fat. At least that's what we are taught through the television, and overall pop culture.
This once again creates that ever lingering vulnerability in humans, insecurity. So when someone comes along with the promise of a product that will help you shed those unwanted pounds quickly for the summer, most of us simply can't help but be baited.
But understand this, there are no shortcuts.Taking a hydroxycut pill is not going to give you a 6 pack. Sure, there is a lot of caffeine in there, and your heart will beat fast, and you'll feel like you have energy, but it's all fake, and it will do more harm than good. For my own personal story about weight loss drug addiction, read here!
Ask yourself this question, if the product that they are selling is so damn good, why do these people look heavy themselves? If the product is supposed to make you look jacked, why do they look so not jacked?
Now some products are smart, and they pay people like Lee Priest, Ronnie Coleman, and other fitness models to stand up holding their product. But you know damn well that Ronnie Coleman didn't get as big as he did by taking one stupid over the counter bodybuilding supplement. In his case, it was a matter of genetics, diet, training, and I am willing to bet the farm, steroid and growth hormone use. No one product that any of us could buy will do that, otherwise, the world would be full of Ronnie Colemans, and last I checked, its not.
None of that stuff works. Listen, if you want to lose weight, eat a sensible diet, train regularly, rest, be consistent, and allow time to do what it does. That's the only way, nothing else will work. Trust me.
And if you are still unsure, and considering this, take a look at the person selling it, are they exceptionally fit or not? If it is so great, why is it not working for them? Or even worse, why are they not using it themselves?
See more here:
There are no magic weight loss shortcuts - Huffington Post