(Courtesy Photo/Dr. Siri Chand Khalsa)
Despite paying almost double what any other country in the world pays for health care, the U.S. has declining measures on most health care attributes. We are unhealthy, are prone to heart disease and cancer, and are increasingly overweight. And an increasing number of countries, including those that spend a fraction of what we do on health care, are passing us by.
Weve dealt with these topics on earlier shows from the perspective of national health care policy. This time we ask the question, What can I personally do to live a healthier life? And, How can I make this easy and enjoyable enough that I will actually do it?
Could what we eat have anything to do with it? There is increasing evidence that it does.
Yet our physicians receive almost no training or education in the area of nutrition.
Our guests are:
We consider:
The Think Tank airs on KTAR 92.3 FM on Saturdays 3-4 p.m. and repeats Sundays 9-10 p.m.
Podcasts are available after broadcast.
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Think Tank examines role of diet in how to live healthy life - KTAR.com