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This is how care home near Swadlincote got on when it was inspected – Derbyshire Live

Posted: December 11, 2019 at 8:45 pm

A care home has been rated as good overall after an inspection was carried out by a health watchdog.

Oakleigh Residential Home, in Ashby Road, Moira, provides personal care to 23 people, some with physical health needs and others with dementia.

After the latest visit from inspectors from the Care Quality Commission on October 22 and 23, the home was rated as overall as good, with just one area that required improvement.

It was good for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led.

Inspectors did note that improvements should be carried out to some bedroom doors locks which were not suitable if there was an emergency when they would not be able to be opened quickly.

The inspector noted that training in infection control practices was adequate, although they recommended that improvements be made.

The report also stated that medicines were stored and administered safely and people were supported to have their medicines in a safe way. Recruitment checks had been carried out to ensure staff were suitable to work with people, said the report.

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Also noted was that staffing levels were adequate to provide individual support and good overall levels of care. Training for staff was linked to people's individual support needs, however, some training courses had yet to be planned and undertaken.

Other positives in the report noted that people were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.

The policies and systems in the service supported this practice.

The staff team also told the inspector they felt involved in the running of the home and felt supported by the provider, registered manager and senior staff.

Staff had supervision to ensure they met people's needs and they responded to and supported people's health and care needs.

The inspector found that people were provided with a varied diet which met their needs, healthcare was supported by the staff and people were provided with treatment following consultations.

Residents were also fully involved in making decisions about their care and were supported by staff who were "kind and caring" in a considerate and respectful manner.

The staff were praised for being knowledgeable on people's individual needs and the complaints process was managed effectively, with those who use the service complimenting staff on their care.

There were systems in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service being provided, said the report.

A spokesman for Oakleigh Residential Home said about the report: "In response to the recent CQC report, we feel extremely disappointed to receive a requires improvement in one section of the inspection and feel that the focus of an overall good report may be overlooked.

"Oakleigh prides itself on providing good quality care for all our residents. We have continuously received excellent positive feed back from residents and families.

"Oakleigh has always received a good outcome on the CQC rating.

"As mentioned in the report regarding the bedroom door locks for the residents, the report also mentions that residents signed a declaration opting not to have a bedroom key therefore there would have been no risk to resident safety.

"CQC recommended that appropriate locks should be fitted if required, which we will do. Oakleigh places the care and safety of our residents with utmost importance and priority.

"The management team would like to thank all the staff for working tirelessly and going above and beyond to provide excellent care to all of our residents, achieving an overall good CQC rating."

Read more from the original source:
This is how care home near Swadlincote got on when it was inspected - Derbyshire Live

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