The key to speeding up weight loss using brown fat is to expose the body to cold temperatures, which can activate brown fat cells, according to a study conducted by National Institutes of Health researchers and published in the journal Diabetes.
Cold temperatures work to charge your brown fat, which stabilizes your metabolism, increase MSP (Metabolic SetPoint) and help lose weight. Metabolic SetPoint is a level when the brain starts to slow down your metabolic activity, which can hamper fat loss. Brown fat, unlike white fat, has extremely low energy expenditure unless it is stimulated by external factors.
When brown fat is supercharged, it improves MSP and makes your body a fat-burning furnace and make you capable of burning additional calories along the way. Cold temperatures also expose the brain to be stimulated, dole out dopamine and function better and boost activity at the cellular level.
See the article here:
This type of body fat boosts metabolism and helps lose weight faster! - Times of India