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Time to Walk Off the Weight and Forget Your Excuses Ladies

Posted: March 22, 2012 at 8:10 pm

As a woman, I know what it is like to struggle with weight gain and weight loss. Eating healthier and letting go of chocolate is only one part of it. We all know that exercise is a necessary evil when it comes to losing weight and staying healthy. Unfortunately, if you are like me, we also know many different excuses to get out of exercising. For many, it is a busy family schedule and exercise takes away from that. Others just lack motivation or don't want to spend time at the gym.

I have found that walking can be your best form of exercise and it can also be adapted to work around just about every excuse we can come up with.

Takes Away From Family Time

As a working mom of four kids, I am constantly on the go. Whether it is work or helping with homework, my time is usually taken up. I always viewed exercise or going to the gym as something that took away from the little time I had to spend with and enjoy my family. But, this is where walking became a solution. My family found that taking a simple walk around the neighborhood was a great way to exercise as well as spend some quality time with each other.

Simply grab the kids and get walking. You have no distractions like television or video games, so you are able to actually talk and catch up with your children. As you are talking and connecting with your children, you forget that you are actually exercising and before you know it, you have accomplished a great workout.

Walking Partners

Now, if family issues are not your road block to exercise, a lack of motivation may be instead. Maybe you just can't seem to get motivated to go out and walk alone. Maybe safety is an issue.

For these excuses, finding a walking and accountability partner is a great way to go. Together you can motivate each other to get out there and walk. As a team, you are not walking alone so you may feel safer. When you are not up to walking, a simple push from your walking partner may help.

I have had numerous walking partners over the years and it really does help to keep you on track and make your exercise goals. Walking partners can be friends that have the same goal or you can look at joining a walking group in your area.

The "Every Body Walk" campaign is designed to spread the message that walking 30 minutes a day can really make a difference. Their hope is to get Americans up and moving. One feature that is found on their website is a section designed to help you find walking groups in your area. They also provide local walking maps and just about everything to help you get up and get moving.

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Time to Walk Off the Weight and Forget Your Excuses Ladies

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