Sam's story begins like so many other Aussies who have struggled with their weight. She was healthy and active as a child, and then puberty hit, and high school.
It's not a combination that tends to result in body confidence, especially for Sam, 53, who was always taller than the other girls, and boys.
"Dad was a butcher so we always had good quality food," she tells 9Honey. "I didn't start getting bigger until I was 16. I had always been the tall girl in the middle of school photos."
She was bullied and teased, which made matters worse.
"I was still active and playing tennis, but I just had a different body type," she says. "But then as I got older, I started making my own food choices."
This resulted in weight gain, and then she started dieting.
"I think the first diet I went on was probably Weight Watchers or something like that," she says. "Mum tried to help me. She'd make sure I had a healthy lunch. She could see how uncomfortable I felt."
Sam became so uncomfortable that she stopped going out friends as often as she usually would.
"I would lie and say I was sick," she says. "I didn't feel comfortable going out because of my size and it got worse as I got older. You socially isolate yourself.
"I didn't even feel comfortable going out for a coffee. I felt as though people were judging me."
When she was 21, Sam fell pregnant with her son and says it was the happiest time of her life.
"I'd always wanted to be a mum," she says. "Even when I was pregnant, I still played tennis until I was seven months along and badminton until I was eight months. I was fit as a fiddle, just bigger than I should have been."
After becoming a mum and stopping work, Sam soon found herself putting on even more weight.
By the time she became a grandmother, Sam could no longer physically do everything she wanted to do.
That's when she began looking into weight loss surgery, reading about people who had chosen the procedure to improve their health as well as speaking to people who had had various types of weight loss surgery.
"I learned that weight loss surgery was just a start, a tool and I'd have to change my lifestyle if I wanted to keep the weight off," she says. "Having the support of my surgeon, nurses, psychologist, dietitians and everyone at the Darebin Weight Loss Centre was crucial."
Sam feels annoyed when people call weight loss surgery an "easy" option.
"Someone I'd known for 15 years-plus told me to 'just get off my arse and exercise'," she says. "And she'd known me for years and had seen all of the ups and downs I'd been through, efforts I'd made and allthe self-loathing I went through."
She'd also been suffering from related health problems.
"Before the surgery, my health was terrible, I had really bad knees which hurt 24 hours a day and my quality of life was down the toilet," she says. "And I had very low self-esteem and just felt dreadful."
Sam had the surgery in May, and hasn't looked back.
"My grandchildren didn't care how I looked.They just wanted to play with me, especially for me get on the trampoline with them which I can now do but I couldn't before because of my knees and the excess weight," she says.
She says her son, mum and daughter-in-law tell her "constantly" how proud they are of her, not just for undergoing the procedure but for changing her entire lifestyle for the better.
"I know now that I deserve to have a long life and to not be physically limited by my size," she says. "My weight no longer defines me."
She says taking the time to prepare meals and staying active is key to improving her physical and mental health for good.
She says for those considering weight loss surgery, it's important to be prepared.
"Whether or not you tell everyone is up to you, it's a very personal journey" she says. "Still, you can have all the support in the world and still not be mentally there as much as you need to be.
"You have to be mentally prepared to front a lot of demons and put the work in, or in my opinion you'll just put all the weight back on".
If you or someone you know is struggling with body image issues contact The Butterfly Foundation on 1800 33 4673.
Find out more about Obesity Awareness visit the Australian Medical Association website.
Before starting any intentional weight loss effort, consult with your local doctor.
Read more from the original source:
To everyone who thinks weight loss surgery is the 'easy' option - 9Honey