A care home criticised by inspectors from England's healthcare watchdog has disputed the findings after a resident told inspectors that the place is 'falling apart'.
Towneley House in Burnley has been rated as 'requires improvement' by inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following a visit in November 2019.
In the report, published last Wednesday (January 29), concerns were found regarding safety issues and infection prevention.
Particular issue was raised in relation to one insanitary bedroom.
Residents were deemed to be at risk of cross contamination, with the same mop and bucket being used to clean the rest of the home after the bedroom was finished with.
There was no system in place for deep cleaning and foot operated pedal bins were still not in place as recommended at inspectors' last visit.
The CQC also reported that "most people's" bedrooms were stark and not personalised. The walls in one person's room was chipped in several places and unsightly expanding foam was hanging from the ceiling.
One resident told inspectors: "I think the actual property is actually falling apart, I feel sorry for staff who have to put up with it.
"It's shabby in places, it wouldn't take long to touch it up."
Some corridors were dark and lighting was not working, with staff ensuring inspectors that new lightbulbs were on order.
There was also a broken toilet, rubbish bags in the garden and sealant around the kitchen sink which needed replacing.
Call bells were not working in some people's rooms when tested and inspectors found one person did not have one.
These rooms were on the third floor and quite isolated so people would not be able to call for assistance, the report said.
Overall, the home was rated as 'requires improvement' as well as in the individual categories regarding safety, effectiveness, responsiveness, and leadership.
It was found to be 'good' in the category concerning care.
Confidential information was not stored securely and complaints were not always being dealt with appropriately, inspectors noted. But medicines were managed safely and management had improved.
Residents were given a balanced diet and they voiced their happiness with the meals, but the service only had a one-star food hygiene rating.
Staff assured inspectors that improvements had been made and they were awaiting re-inspection.
Residents said their privacy and dignity was respected, with staff treating them well and letting them living as independently as possible if that was their wish.
In a statement to LancsLive, the management of Towneley House revealed that it has challenged the CQC over "certain facts", particularly in regards to concerns over infection prevention and safety.
They said: "At this time the management has returned an action plan to CQC. In it we have disputed certain facts.
"In relation to the home being unsafe and placing residentsat risk of infection, the alert relates to a person's bedroom and not the whole building.
"The room in question is occupied by a person who has very complex needs but does have full capacity and fully aware of his actions.
"The person trashes the bedroom on a daily basis, which hascaused severe damage to the room. In actual fact this person has had the room refurbished on three occasions, the last being just after the inspection.
"The room was plastered, redecorated new sink, wall cabinet, new flooring, new curtains and soft furnishings.
"Within ten days the person had once again damaged and defaced the room.After the inspection, Lancashire County Council safeguarding team were initially informed of the inspectorate'sfindings.
"Representatives from the safeguarding team visited the home and found that the alert was unsubstantiated. We cannot, however, give too much information as we also have a duty of care to the person and the right to respect his privacy."
Management added: "The home has a robust cleaning regime to meet current IPC [infection, prevention, and control] legislation, weekly audits are carried out by the manager, and all faults and required repairs dealt withimmediately.
"We feel that we meet infection control standards for this persons room. A separate cleaning schedule is in use and separate cleaning equipment for this room is used at all times.
"Documentation to verify this is completed on a daily basis.Infection prevention control nurse has previously carried out an inspection of the home, and standards where being met.
"We feel that this report portrays the home in a negative manner. It does not give a true picture of the complexity of the situation.The management is currently working with the persons social workers to find a solution to the problem."
Towneley House has been rated as 'requires improvement' in 2015.
The CQC report adds: "We will meet with the provider following this report being published to discuss how they will make changes to ensure they improve their rating to at least good. We will work with the local authority to monitor progress. We will return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If we receive any concerning information we may inspect sooner."
See the original post here:
Towneley House care home 'falling apart' as disputed infection risk laid bare - LancsLive