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Watch it! Artificial sweeteners can make you fat – Vanguard

Posted: August 27, 2017 at 12:43 pm

By Bunmi Sofola

THE lives of everyone watching their weight were recently thrown into disarray when a leading food expert claimed that far from making us thinner, diet products containing artificial sweeteners may actually be responsible for weight gain.

For many of us, low-fat versions of our favourite foods yoghurt, fizzy drinks, spreads,biscuits, crisps and cheesemake us feel we can safely indulge in a little of what we want without piling on the pounds, by swapping natural sugars (at 40 calories a gram) for sugar substitutes that have just two calories.

But although chemical sweeteners were once thought to be the holy grail for dieters and diabetics, opinion has started to turn against them. So have we been misled for years about the ability of sweeteners to help us reduce our waistlines? Yes,says Professor Susan Swithers, who analysed scientific data from the past five years to produce her findings. Consuming artificial sweeteners not only adds to weight gain but, over time, is generally responsible for an increase in bad health out comes, says the professor, who is based at Purdue University, Indiana, in the US.

Our research followed people of different ages and weights (many werent overweight at the start), and those who drank a lot of diet sodas and other artificially sweetened foods were found to suffer Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke more often, and they tended to be more overweight. But Gavin Partington, of the British Soft Drinks Association, argues that Professor Swithers findings run contrary to decades of scientific research. So, whos right? Heres what experts say you need to know.

What are artificial sweeteners?

Unlike naturally occurring sweeteners such as sucrose (sugar) and fructose (fruit sugar), artificial sweeteners are synthetically manufactured to be non-nutritiveso they contain few or no calories. Five artificial sweeteners are permitted for use in the UK; aspartame, saccharin, acesulfame potassium (known as acesulfame K), cyclamate and sucralose.

Will you pile on the pounds?

Several studies show consuming low-calories artificial sweeteners makes people more likely to pile on weight than reduce it, according to Joanna BIythman,Britains leading investigative food journalist and author of: What To Eat. Our

bodies are designed to process natural foods, so expect calories along with a sweet taste, she says. So rather than helping us consume less sugar overall, by interfering with our satisfaction signals, artificial sweeteners cause us to crave even more

sweet food. A US study showed that while people who drank one to two cans of full-sugar fizzy drinks a day increased their risk of becoming overweight or obese by nearly 33 per cent over seven to eight years, those who replaced them with

diet alternatives had a 65-per cent risk. When you eat normal sugar, your taste buds tell the brain sugar is on its way,

says personal trainer James Duigan, of Bodyism, the celebrity London gym. So when the body receives a low-calorie artificial sweetener instead of sugar and the calories dont reach the stomach, the body is confused! Some sweeteners are

even thought to change hormonal activity, which can cause you to hold on to fat and lead to weight gain. Telling people to drink diet sodas could backfire as a public health message, Professor Swithers says. (The message to limit sugar

intake needs to be expanded to limit intake of all sweeteners, not just natural sugars.)

Do they give you a sweeter tooth?

Saccharin can be between 200 and 700 times sweeter than sugar, says James Duigan. Consuming a lot makes fruit and other naturally sugary foods cease to seem sweet, causing you to develop an even sweeter tooth. A sweet taste also

increases your appetite. A US. study two years ago found non-calorific sweeteners encouraged animals to eat more calorie-rich, sweet-tasting food, making them gain weight.

Are they bad for you in other ways?

A popular nutritional therapist, Dr. Marilyn Glenville is the author of Fat Around The Middle, and a specialist in womens health. She has serious concerns about ourconsumption of artificial sweeteners, and particularly about aspartame, one

of the most widely used chemical sweeteners, which is deemed safe by the European Food Standards Agency. It is 180 times sweeter than sugar and can

lead to pinge eating and cravings. Its also been linked to mood swings and depression because it alters levels of the brain chemical serotonin, says Dr. Glenville. There are also concerns that aspartame might be addictivepeople

who drink three to four cans of diet soft drinks every day, or regularly chew sugar-free gum, may experience withdrawal symptoms if they try to stop.

She always advises patients to avoid food or drinks containing artificial sweeteners and to check the small print on ingredients even with non-diet foods. Independent

studies on lab animals have suggested artificial sweeteners can pose serious health problems, including neurological issues, memory impairment and decreased liver function. Aspartame is one of the most researched ingredients I can think of,

says nutritionist Ian Marber. (And while some schools of thought believe it is carcinogenic, there is no proof of that. However, it taxes the liver and increases blood fat levels, which can lead to heart disease, diabetes and stroke risk, as well as weight gain.) Some research has even linked the consumption of artificially sweetened food and drinks to migraines and premature birth.

Are natural sugars better for you?

Nutritionist Ian Marber says there is a widely held belief that naturally occurring sugars, like

honey or agave syrup, are healthier than white sugar. But that isnt necessarily the case, he says. Natural sugars are not harmless. I see people who wouldnt touch a can of Coke, cover their breakfast in organic agave syrup. Too much of any sweetener can make you gain weight).

Any healthier alternatives?

James Duigan believes xylitol and the plant-based sweetener stevia are the best options. His tip for anyone trying to cut back on the sweet stuff altogether?

Cinnamon. Its a wonder ingredient, he says. (It tastes great, reduces cravings for sweet stuff, and helps regulate your blood sugar levels. I stir it into my coffee

and eat it on yoghurtyou can add it to your breakfast porridge.)

Full-sugar or diet drinks?

JAMES DUIGANS advice is to steer clear of fizzy drinks completely. If you want a healthy drink to quench your thirst, you cant do better than a long, cool glass of water, he says.

Original post:
Watch it! Artificial sweeteners can make you fat - Vanguard

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