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Weight Loss Advice and Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Posted: September 29, 2015 at 12:41 am

Counting calories is now easier than ever. Not so long ago the only way to record how many calories you had consumed or used was to use calorie tables in books and then manually calculate how many calories you had

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I just searched Google how to lose weight and was rather surprised by what I saw. It is obviously some clever new feature of Google, but the answer they gave was absolute nonsense. Here is a screenshot try it

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There seems to be a growing trend at the moment whereby people are offering advice starting with The Truth About. Whether it is fad diets, exercise plans, weight loss, carbohydrates, belly fat or abdominal muscles, there seems to be a

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Researchers from University of Pennsylvania found that most weight loss programs offer no real proof that they work. In their study they discovered that with the exception of Weight Watchers, no other program could prove that their methods resulted in

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If you can learn how to lose belly fat then you can learn how to lose weight from other parts of your body too. Losing fat is not a complex process, but it does take time and commitment. For many

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Thanksgiving, a time to be grateful of the massive abundance of food we have!

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There is only one reason why people becomeoverweight: it is because people go from being healthy and fit to being an unhealthy one and sedentary. When we are at school our eating habits are restricted. Children can eat only during

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Losing weight becomes harder as we age. Metabolism tends to slow down which means that it is far easier to gain weight. Also we become less active as we get older which just adds to the problems. However, this does

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We have had many teenagers ask what they can do to lose fat. Really the best thing to do is adjust your diet and get more active. Reduce sugar intake, which includes sugar in processed foods, junk food, cakes and

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Belly fat seems to be a huge problem for lots of people, especially men. Naturally, men tend to hold more fat around their waistline (this is visceral fat, or internal fat), which we call love handles (also known as beer

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Want to lose weight? Read our guide and start losing belly fat today.

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Sometimes people really do like to complicate matters. There is already enough confusion regarding weight loss, which leads to many people making costly weight loss mistakes. In recent years two pieces of research were published which really helped to confuse

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Obesity is killing more people every year. Losing weight has many health benefits, there really is no reason to ignore it. Start today, learn more here.

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If you have a BMI of over 25 you are probably overweight. Follow this plan.

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The women who stopped worrying about her weight and started doing something.

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Weight Loss Advice and Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Safely

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