Losing weight is a tough journey for all of us. We spend so much time fixing our workout routines and planning out diets but this these habits are also the easiest to give up. Many give in to their cravings and many dont wish to continue when they dont see the desired results fast. However, we forget the benefits we reap by even losing those few extra pounds. Losing 5% of your body weight can have drastic effects on your body.The most obvious and visible benefit is slimming and overall fitness. However, the effects of weight loss go much beyond what appears from the outside. Here is a list of those hidden ways in which you have helped your body by losing those extra kilos.No more heartburnThe extra pounds put pressure on the stomach which leads to acid reflux and heartburn, a fiery sensation in the chest. Losing weight would help you relieve this pressure and cure you of the recurring feeling of heartburnsNo more knee painYou relieve a ton of pressure off your knees and legs when you lose those extra pounds. Each extra pound tends to put four times the worth of pressure on the knees. The moment you relieve the extra pressure off the knees, they are able to handle the weight of the body and ache less. This is an important benefit of weight loss and prevents complex joint problems later in life.
Reduced blood pressureThe risk of developing high blood pressure is more in adults who weigh a little extra. Each kilo shed can help in reducing the systolic and diastolic pressure by one point. Therefore, weight loss has a huge role to play in controlling high blood pressure.Reduces risk of diabetes
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Weight loss benefits that go beyond slimming - Times of India