TruBalance has been an opportunity for me to change not only what I eat but the way I think about what I eat.
I am 65 years old. I have had a weight problem since I was seven years old and had my tonsils out. It left a hole I needed to fill. I have been on Weight Watchers so many times I should have a lifetime membership from persistence. Ive done Physicians Weight Loss, Nutrisystem, the program at Baptist Hospital, Jenny Craig, and tried it on my own.
All of these programs have a few things in common:
TruBalance is the only program I have used that explains the whys of eating the way they suggest. They have never told me to eat more to lose weight. My coach, Megan Rochell, has always been supportive and, most importantly, non judgmental.
This program doesnt say you have to eat every two to three hours to keep your metabolism up. For the first time I dont constantly think about food. I never think about how long it has been since I ate and what am I going to eat now to keep my metabolism up so I wont gain weight.
TruBalance has shown me that the way the food is produced is as important as what I eat. It has given me the information I need to choose my food intelligently. It has given me the knowledge to become very picky about what I eat. I have found I am eating more organic and experimenting with seasonings. I am looking at more than just how many calories are in the food.
TruBalance has given me the opportunity to change things in my life. I no longer have high blood pressure after being on medication for decades. I have changed my Coke Zero addiction to an addiction to water. Most importantly, to me anyway, is I no longer suffer from the I have to have something to eat now syndrome. TruBalance has given me the chance to relax and enjoy life.
Alice Wickliffe, Little Rock
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