If you have grown up in a traditional household, chances are that you have heard and been suggested to consume gooseberries in any form. Known locally as 'amla', it comes as no surprise that gooseberries are loaded with supreme health benefits which make it an excellent superfood. The West is slowly waking up to its benefits too. From the high potent vitamin C, antioxidants, polyphenols which fight the toxins and abundant vitamins and minerals, there is no reason to skip out on this fruit. For weight watchers too, this fruit can also come in very handy to aid weight loss and get rid of the flab. If you have been looking for an easy way to lose weight, look no further. We tell you how amla can be the magic dietary food you have been looking for and the right way to use it:
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Weight loss: Here's why you must consume amla juice to get rid of the belly fat! - Times of India