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Weight loss: How to lose weight FAST without exercise or cutting out entire food groups –

Posted: May 28, 2017 at 7:40 pm

With summer approaching, shifting a few pounds quickly is high on the priority list for many people.

But exercise takes time to show results, so although it is something dieters should definitely be doing for long term goals, in the short term they may want to try other options.

One of the simplest things to do is to drink water instead of anything else.

Energy drinks, fruit smoothies and low-calorie alcohol all contain at least 100 calories each.

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Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because they're digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later

Jana Klauer, M.D.

But they are considered empty calories by professionals as they dont fill you up like 100 calories of food does, so you are better off drinking water and ingesting calories from food.

Another route to fast weight loss is cutting out white grain foods such as white rice, spaghetti and bread.

This is because simple carbohydrates cause bloating, particularly around the stomach.

Speaking to Cosmopolitan, Jana Klauer, M.D., author of The Park Avenue Nutritionists Plan, said: Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because they're digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later.

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If you want to slim down even more, cut out whole-grain bread, swapping it for vegetables for a week instead. One example would be exchanging a tuna sandwich for a tuna salad.

One simple way to lose weight fast is identify one indulgent food you eat every day and cut out it, whether it is a nightly chocolate bar or biscuits in the afternoon

This is an easy way to remove a couple of hundred calories from your daily diet without missing out on essential or healthy food.

Countless studies have also shown those who sleep more find it easier to stay slim.

The fast weight loss tips comes as a selection of experts revealed their tricks for slimming down quickly.

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Adding just 30 minutes a night to your sleep will mean waking up feeling refreshed and curb the temptation to eat something sugary first thing.

Between seven to eight hours a night is the optimum amount, and better sleep boosts metabolism.

Finally, to ensure you dont let all of your hard work go to waste, learn how to pose for the camera to show off your body to its best advantage.

Push the chin forward, hold arms away from the body and turn slightly sideways from the camera with one foot in front of the other.

Weight loss: How to lose weight FAST without exercise or cutting out entire food groups -

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