Are you looking for help with weight loss in Rochester, NY? This may sound surprising, but weight loss is not what you should want. Simply losing weight is not good enough; FAT LOSS should be your goal. Finally being able to lose unwanted and unhealthy amounts of fat will be genuinely life changing. I'm sure that sounds good, but you may be thinking to yourself, "I can't even get the scale to move, let alone worry about whether I'm losing fat or just weight!" This is exactly why we have helped so many people (of all ages) achieve results in an efficient and lasting manner...because what's been missing all along is a METABOLIC APPROACH based on YOU!
Other weight loss programs set you up for short term success at best because nothing is truly changedyou've either been on a diet (meal replacement shake, pre-packaged foods, or the newest miracle supplement), relied on hormone injection (synthetic or bio-identical) to force temporary fat burning, or attempted a surgical or pharmaceutical resolution. All these leave your metabolism in the same weak (or worsened) state it startedbecause they were never designed to make a change.
At Restoration Wellness Custom Fat Loss we use our Custom Fat Loss system to provide a re-education of your body and brain. This clears a path for your metabolism to return to a proper state of fat burning balance, but more importantly empowers you to keep that fat burning state active indefinitely. It's because of this approach that our patients feel such a difference and talk about their results on the program and after!
At Restoration Wellness Custom Fat Loss our weight loss team is ready to meet with you to discuss your needs. We will help to design a program that is right for you. We look forward to meeting you.