We all strive and work hard to reach our ideal body weight. However, losing weight should not be the only goal of your weight loss regimen. Your body weight is not only ruled by the amount of fat, but also muscle mass, bone mass and metabolism. This is where the difference between weight loss and fat loss lies. Your workout should work on losing the extra fat in your body.Weight lossThe body weight is a sum of your muscle mass, fat mass, body water and also bone mass. Losing weight can sometimes backfire if not supported with a proper diet. Crash diets and other shortcuts may lead to a loss in muscle mass instead of fat mass. It may show fast results in the beginning, but your weight will shoot right back up the moment you leave exercising.Fat lossIt is important that your workout adds muscle mass too. Too much body fat stores unwanted water and calories which makes you feel out of shape. However, some amount of fat is required for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and provide a cushioning to internal organs. Be regular with your exercise and reduce the number of calories you consume to make sure you lose fat mass.Signs that you are losing muscle massIf you do not substitute your workout with a proper diet or take to diets and shortcuts to lose weight, it can cause you to lose muscle mass instead of fat. Here are a few signs that you are losing muscle mass
Regular workouts feel harder to complete You feel sluggish throughout the day Lower endurance You have poor balance You weight is stuck at one point
Here is how you can ensure that you do not lose out on the important muscle mass and get rid of only the fat in the body.
Exercising is not the only solutionIt is important to maintain a proper diet when you have a regular workout routine. Eating less is not the answer. Instead, eat a balanced diet that gives the body enough nutrition to help muscles recover after your workout. If you do not eat well, you may lose muscle strength and eventually lose muscle mass as well.
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Weight loss or fat loss? What it means and what you should know - Times of India