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Weight loss story: From 107 kilos to 79 kilos, this guy lost 28 kilos to prove the bullies wrong! – Times of India

Posted: March 27, 2020 at 5:48 pm

23-year-old Kunal realised that people can be particularly harsh, especially when it comes to your weight. After being bullied throughout his school and college, he determined to get back in shape and get rid of all the extra kilos. After battling high blood pressure and obesity at such a young age, he pulled up his socks and shed a whopping 28 kilos and got back in shape.Read his immensely inspiring weight loss journey: Name: Kunal ChhabraOccupation: Student

Age: 23 years

Height: 5 feet 8 inches

City: Delhi

Highest weight recorded: 107 kgsWeight lost: 28 kgs

Duration it took me to lose weight: 6 months

The turning point: I had put on a lot of weight during college days due to my eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle. As a result, I developed high blood pressure at a very young age. While the realisation that I had turned obese was in itself very heartbreaking, people in my college also started making fun of the way I looked. All of it collectively left me very disheartened and depressed. I knew that I did not wish to live my life feeling sorry for myself. So, I decided to turn my life around and lose all those stubborn kilos.

My breakfast: A slice of bread + peanut butter + 1 cup of black coffee

My lunch: Brown rice pulao + any dalOR

2 chapatis + any green vegetable +fresh salad

My dinner: Oats cheela or oats in any form

Pre-workout meal: 5 almonds + a shot of black coffee

Post-workout meal: Any fruit smoothie

I indulge in: I absolutely love having cocoberry yoghurts or a portion of hot chocolate fudge. At the same time, I ensure that I walk for at least 60 minutes if I am taking a cheat meal.

My workout: I do normal cardio along with Zumba and boxing sometimes.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: I vouch on chicken breast with zucchini noodles to keep me fit while satisfying my taste buds.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: It is important to understand that no matter how much you work out or what is the intensity of your exercises, your diet still remains the undisputed king of your weight loss journey. If you do not control your diet, your weight loss journey will certainly be shortlived.

How do I stay motivated? I made it a point to start recording my weight loss journey daily. By doing so, I could monitor my weight loss on a daily basis, which in turn kept me motivated to lose more weight.

How do you ensure you dont lose focus? While appreciation from those around you does help in keeping the morale high, you mustn't stop working towards your goals.

Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? It was certainly getting bullied during my whole school and college life for the way I looked. There were certain people who also insulted me for the same and it was really heartbreaking.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? While 10 years is a long time, I surely want to maintain my current journey, stay positive and try to improve myself with every passing day.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? I try to sleep maximum by 10:30 pm and wake up by 6:30 am. Moreover, I have realised the importance of food and completely believe in the theory that food is medicine

What was the lowest point for you? While I did hit a couple of low points during my quest to lose weight, I did not let them pull me down. I was very determined to lose all the unwanted kilos and prove my point to the people who bullied me half of my life. Lessons learnt from weight loss: I have learnt a lot of lessons during my weight loss journey that I would like to pass on to everyone who is trying to get in shape. Some of them are:

1. Your body is precious and it will respond the way you will act.

2. Cheat meals are important for your weight loss journey.

Here is the original post:
Weight loss story: From 107 kilos to 79 kilos, this guy lost 28 kilos to prove the bullies wrong! - Times of India

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