Different people have different approaches when it comes to shedding those dreaded kilos. However, when 35-year-old Ashish realised that he needed to lose weight, he decided to go the old school way. Instead of enrolling in a gym or going on a diet, he decided to make some simple lifestyle changes and jog every day without fail. His weight loss journey is an example that you do not always need fancy equipments and a gym membership to lose weight. Read on.Name: Ashish SethiOccupation: SalesAge: 35 years
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
City: DelhiHighest weight recorded: 92 kgs
Weight lost: 17 kgs
Duration it took me to lose weight: 6 months
The turning point: While I did know that I was slowly gaining a lot of weight, owing to my sedentary lifestyle, I did not give much thought to it. However, everyone, I knew had started commenting on my growing weight and it dented my confidence. I also started suffering from terrible leg, knee and back pain, thanks to all the weight. When I realised that all the extra kilos had begun to seriously impact my health, I decided to do something before it was too late.
My breakfast: I keep switching between the following options:
1) 2 egg white and 1 whole egg mixed omelette with capsicum, onion, tomato, mushroom with one multigrain bread,
2) Besan chilla
3) Oat based cereal,
I also have a handful of almonds and walnuts soaked overnight and one glass of toned milk.
My lunch: 2 chapatis, a portion of seasonal vegetables, a small bowl of curd, rice (2 times in a week)
My dinner: I prefer the following options:
Option 1: 1 chapati, a bowl of dal and salad
Option 2: Roasted chicken breast
Option 3 : Chicken soup and boiled egg white
Option 4: Homemade greek salad with a bowl of any soup
Option 5 : Besan chilla
Option 6 : Soya chunks rice pulao
Pre-workout meal: A banana or apple
Post-workout meal: A cup of toned milk tea without sugar with one digestive biscuit or toast.
I indulge in: I do not believe in the concept of planned cheat days. If I feel like it, I have a samosa or a small portion of any other fast food once a month.
My workout: My only workout routine is to run and walk for at least 8 kilometres every day. Initially, I started with brisk walking for a month and gradually started running and jogging. I also do stretching twice a week.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Omelette, roasted chicken and soya chunks Fitness secrets I unveiled: Weight loss is all about consistency and focus and there is no single formula that will suit everyone. In my case, due to a sedentary lifestyle I had started to gain weight. I also had knee pain, back pain and frequent headaches. I realised that walking and/or running is the best option as all you need is a good pair of shoes.
How do I stay motivated? I aimed to walk and run for six months straight even if I did not get any result. How do you ensure you dont lose focus? The kind of compliments I get every day are enough to keep me focused and motivated. More importantly, the health benefits are so huge that I cannot even think of going back to my old ways.
Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? When you are overweight, your confidence takes a hit. You also know somewhere deep down that this is not the best version of yourself.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I want to maintain my current physique for all the years to come. I love how I feel right now and wish to stay fit.
What are the lifestyle changes you made? I have made it a point to run regularly and strictly shun sugar, fried food and snacks. Moreover, I strictly monitor my calorie intake and do not overeat. For the last six months, I run every single day without fail. I have made it a target to walk 200 kilometres every month.
Read the original post:
Weight loss story: 'I lost 17 kilos in just 6 months by jogging every day!' - Times of India