27-year-old Pallavi Gupta was at the receiving end of lots of negative comments and faced several health troubles owing to the excess weight. Determined to reverse this, this homemaker joined a gym, worked hard and lost 20 kilos in less than a year.To know how she did it, read the complete story below:Name: Pallavi GuptaOccupation: Homemaker (CA Finalist)
Age: 27
Height:5 feet 5 inches
City: Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh)
Highest weight recorded: 84 kilos
Weight lost: 20 kilos approximately
Duration it took me to lose weight:10 monthsThe turning point: I piled on weight quickly. I lost out on self-confidence and felt ignored by the people around me. After a point, my parents got tensed as they found it difficult to find a suitable match for me. This was when I decided to change my lifestyle and got better. With luck by my side, I was able to shed 19-20 kilos in less than a year.
My breakfast: For breakfast, I like having a vegetable sandwich (preferably brown bread/multigrain) or something filling like oats, chilla or poha, with a cup of coffee or tea.
My lunch: I like to have a simple homemade lunch. One chapati with a serving of subzi and daal (green moong/yellow urad/moong/beans/chickpeas). Salad and curd are optional.
In the evenings, I like to snack on makhane (foxnuts), chaane (Bengal gram) and a cup of green tea.
My dinner: I keep my dinner light. Usually, I have a bowl of fruit salad (with just some black pepper and lemon seasoning), or a big bowl of subzi, whatever's made at home.
Pre-workout meal: Black coffee
Post- workout meal: Handful of dry fruits( 4 soaked almonds, 2 raisins, 1 anjeer 1 and walnut )
My workout: I like to work out for 1.5 hours at a stretch, focussing on every individual muscle and start by doing cardio for 40 minutes daily. Then, I spend 30 minutes on the treadmill or the cross-trainer.
Planks are my favourite exercise to do and I also perform 200 reps of sides with bar, 3 sets of jumping jacks, mountain climber, step-ups. I also like to cycle, if and when I find the time.
I worked out under a gym trainer and focussed on a target area every day:
Monday :- Chest & bicepsTuesday:- LegsWednesday;- Back & tricepsThursday:- abs & shouldersFriday :- HIIT workout & cardioSaturday:- legs( calves/ hams/thighs)Sundays are my rest day.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Special cold coffee recipe (1 cup milk+ 2 soaked anjeer +2 soaked almonds+ 1 dry date + coffee powder) is a weight loss secret. I also like eating vegetable khichdi.
Fitness secrets I unveiled: Moderation is the key. I followed a variation of intermittent fasting. Changing my portion size greatly helped me.
How do I stay motivated? - I would like to credit my husband as the biggest motivator. We have been married for 4 months now and he helps me stick to my goals and not give up.
Continue reading here:
Weight loss story: 'My parents found it difficult to find the right match for me' - Times of India