Imagine not being able to fit into the clothes of your choice, owing to your rapidly growing waistline. While battling extra kilos in itself is a difficult task, it becomes even more difficult when it crushes your confidence levels. When 29-year-old Gautam Khurana realised that it was time to take control of his life, he decided not to look back. He managed to lose a whopping 11 kilos in the span of just 2 months. Here is how he did it:Name: Gautam Khurana
Occupation: SEO Program Manager
Age: 29 yearsHeight: 5 feet 3 inches
City: New Delhi
Highest weight recorded: 77.8 kgs
Weight lost: 11 kgs
Duration it took me to lose weight: 2 months
The turning point: I was planning to attend a wedding reception after a long gap. However, that day I could not fit into even a single old attire of mine which was really heartbreaking. That was the day I decided to fix my lifestyle and get back in shape.My breakfast: I adopted the Keto diet to lose weight. For my breakfast, I have 4 whole boiled eggs or 2 eggs cheese omelette with a cup of coffee (without sugar).
My lunch: I choose anything from palak paneer, shahi paneer, egg curry, butter chicken, eggplant curry or bottle gourd with cucumber and curd.
My dinner: I eat anything from grilled chicken, chicken tikka, paneer tikka or paneer bhurji or egg bhurji with cucumber.
Pre-workout meal: A handful of almonds and walnuts with espresso coffee.
Post-workout meal: Isolate Protein shake
I indulge in: I do not believe in the concept of cheat days.
My workout:I work out for 6 days a week. My exercise routine is as follows:Day 1 ChestDay 2 BackDay 3 ArmsDay 4 ShouldersDay 5 LegsDay 6 Conditioning
I also do sprints and stretching daily to warm up.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Boiled chicken and roasted paneer cubes
Fitness secrets I unveiled: I have realised that you dont need to eat less in order to lose weight. You just have to eat right and work out regularly. It is all about balance. How do I stay motivated? All my close friends are really into fitness and gymming. As a result, I also remain motivated and committed to my fitness journey.
How do you ensure you dont lose focus? Whenever I feel that I am straying from the path of fitness, I recall how far I have come. Moreover, I also visualize what will happen if I will lose focus and not continue with my weight loss journey. This is enough in itself to keep me focused.
Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? When I was overweight none of the clothes looked good on me and it left me really dejected and heartbroken. I wanted to wear the clothes of choice but my weight prevented me from the same.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I want to maintain a healthy weight and a lean physique for all the years to come.
What are the lifestyle changes you made? I made a couple of lifestyle changes and made it a point to follow them strictly. Some of them are:
Go here to read the rest:
Weight loss story: This guy followed the Keto diet and lost 11 kilos in just 2 months! This is his diet - Times of India