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Weight loss story: This guy lost 50 kilos in just 5 months and his transformation is mind blowing! See pi – Times of India

Posted: April 3, 2020 at 2:41 am

No matter what those models with flat tummy ads claim, we all know losing weight (and keeping it off) is not exactly an easy task. The worst part of being overweight is not only do you feel exhausted all the time, but your self-confidence levels also take a beating. To top it all, being the centre of all the fat jokes and comments is something nobody should ever go through. When 29-year-old Prit Sundaram Kandar realised that his obesity had taken a toll on his workplace performance, he started his weight loss journey. From that day, there has been no looking back for this dedicated guy. Here is his journey.Name: Prit Sundaram KandarOccupation: Account Receivables Specialist.Age: 29 years

Height: 5 feet 4 inches

Highest weight recorded: 128 kgs

Weight lost: 50 kgs

Duration it took me to lose weight: 5 months

The turning point: While being overweight had definitely impacted my self-esteem and overall mental being, I realised that it was also hampering my work life. Even though I had grown accustomed to taunts and jokes being made at my expense, I could not take it when my productivity and quality of work started going down the hill because of my weight. I knew I had to do something before things completely went out of my control. Hence, I embarked on my weight loss journey and the result is here for all to see.

My breakfast: 6 soaked almonds, 2 egg whites and 1 tablespoon peanut butter.

My lunch: 2 cups boiled vegetables, 1 bowl of dal, 300 grams fish or chicken stew and a portion of fresh salad.

My dinner: 1 cup boiled vegetables, 150-gram fish or chicken stew and 1 bowl cottage cheese.Pre-workout meal: 1 cup of lukewarm lemon water mixed with cinnamon powder. Alternatively, I also take a cup of black coffee.

Post-workout meal: 1 cup of green tea.

I indulge in: I absolutely love Hakka noodles.

My workout: For the first two months I just focussed on doing cardio and core exercises. After I lost a significant amount of weight, I started weight and resistance training. I used to make it a point to go for a walk daily.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Fish or chicken stew.

Fitness secrets I unveiled: On my journey to weight loss, I have realised that cardio gives you the best results when it comes to shedding those stubborn kilos. You need to minimize the amount of oil you are using in your food. You can certainly use a variety of spices to prevent the meals from getting boring. I also realised the importance of cheat days and how they help in boosting your metabolism.How do I stay motivated? My personal coach Sovan Sarkar and nutritionist Shiny Surendran kept me motivated during this journey. I also used to search for weight loss videos of fitness influencers and see them regularly.

How do you ensure you dont lose focus? There is no denying that everyone loses their focus every once in a while but the trick is to make a stronger comeback. When you begin seeing results, you get more motivated to stay focussed.Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? When you are overweight, you are not only the butt of all the jokes and taunts, but people also stare at you rudely. My growing weight had also taken a toll on my health as I felt lazy and lethargic all the time

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I want to attain a ripped body and immense stamina in the coming years.

Weight loss story: This guy lost 50 kilos in just 5 months and his transformation is mind blowing! See pi - Times of India

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