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Weight loss: This food can help you slim down fast – when is the best time to eat it? – Express

Posted: November 7, 2019 at 6:40 pm

Weight loss diets usually require slimmers to eat less but it is important they pick the right foods. Eating foods high in protein can help dieters lose weight and gain lean muscle, an expert revealed. Is there a best time to have it?

By eating foods high in protein, dieters can boost their weight loss results, Harry Aitken, sports scientist and PT, told

He said: A high protein diet is simply one that is rich in protein intake, and lower, than normal, in calories.

So you will be consuming lots of protein, whilst still maintaining reduced calories to ensure you are in a calorie deficit, burning more calories than youre eating.

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When upping protein in the diet, slimmers can get it from a host of different foods.

Harry explained meat like chicken, beef, and pork, dairy products and eggs are all a good source of protein.

Vegetarian options like seeds, buts, beans like lentils and broad beans, tofu, and manufactured protein sources made from soya or mycoproteins can also be eaten.


These foods will keep hunger pains at bay and dieters are less likely to opt for unhealthy snacks.

This means those hoping to lose weight will notice the benefits adding a portion of protein into every meal.

High protein intake has been proven to keep you fuller for longer, and they have also been proven to reduce subsequent calorie intake, Harry added.

So this means that not only are your high protein means filling you up, and helping you stay full, but they also help to reduce you consuming more calories throughout the day.

A food that can keep you fuller for longer, without consisting of huge amounts of calories, when dieting is a fantastic solution to help you reduce your calorie intake.

Dieters will feel more satisfied and likely to stick to the meal plan they are following.

Harry explained: The problem with many diets is theyre often quite drastic, and they restrict food so much that people feel starving. By helping to keep you full, and therefore happy, you are much more likely to actually stick to the diet.

For those hoping to get into shape, following a high protein diet will also help build muscle and appear lean.

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Weight loss: This food can help you slim down fast - when is the best time to eat it? - Express

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