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Weight loss: This photographer shed 50+ kilos through strength training and calorie deficit! – Times of India

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 10:42 pm

It was a long-awaited Thailand trip which made 25-year-old Himanshu kickstart his weight loss journey. The results not only changed his appearance but his overall life too. His transformation journey is an example that nothing can stop you if you are dedicated to your goal:Name: Himanshu Sharma

Occupation: Wedding Photographer

Age: 25Height: 6.0

City: Delhi

Highest weight recorded: 121Kgs

Duration it took me to lose weight: 10Months

The turning point: We had a Thailand trip to go to and I had planned to lose some weight before the trip. However, the transformation didnt really happen and I did not get the results I wanted in one month. I came back, started again and for six straight months, without any break, I researched on the internet and worked on my body. I am proud to admit that losing weight turned my life around.

My breakfast: Oats + Peanut Butter(Unsweetened) + Protein( Eggs or Whey)

My lunch: Mostly Protein portion(Chicken/Eggs) + Fats (Almonds or Peanuts) + Carbs (Rice /Bread)

My dinner: Fats and Protein (Paneer/Eggs), and the quantity depended on my calorie requirements. I jotted down all the needed info and ate accordingly.I also made sure that I drank 3-6 litres of water every day. Staying hydrated, especially when you workout is important.

Pre-workout meal: Something carb-loaded Oats/Bread on heavy training day (Legs/Back)

On small muscle group days (Biceps-Shoulders) I preferred MCT oil or Coffee as a pre-workout drink.

Post-workout meal: Protein Shake with peanut butter.

I indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): I dont have any cheat days, in fact, I dont support cheat mentality. I eat what I feel like and move on. No cheat mentality= no guilt!

My workout: My workout was a complex mix of Strength Training with HIIT and frequent changes in the regime so that my body doesnt get used to it. Compound lifts along with HIIT are my favourite to boost the metabolic rate as well as it keeps you strong along with good cardiac health.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by : When you are on a dietary cut, you are allowed to have a limited number of calories. The best way to go with it is to fill 50% of your plate with protein, rest add some veggies and fats. Add carbs before or after workouts, or around the time you are most active. Avoid snacking in between.

Some of my favs are chicken breast greek salad (keep a check on the dressing sauce). Mix Vegetable Juices are low in calorie and high on fibre and multi-minerals. They keep you full!

Fitness secrets I unveiled: One can not simply think of losing weight on the spot and get abs. You cannot maintain abs all year-round and it is really unhealthy to have very low body fat for a longer time.

There is no secret to being healthy, its hard work with persistence and a goal.Patience, resilience, and staying mentally well is also more important than just building abs. A fit body takes it own time so there is no point rushing into it.

How do I stay motivated? Motivation is overrated. You got to do what you got to do. I never thought I am going to change so much. It comes slowly and you have got to keep working on it. Set your eyes on the target and keep your head down and you will see results.

How do you ensure you dont lose focus? Perseverance is the key to success. Every morning get up and realise what your goal is and do whatever helps you with your goals. Take small decisions, be obsessed with your goal. Think positive, if you want to have a dessert, have it and move on. I firmly believe that people lose their way because they go too hard on themselves.

Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? I dont count body shaming because you can't control what others say. Being overweight brings health problems. Running, breathing, body pain, bad posture, knee pain, heart health-these are some of the problems which become a part of your everyday life.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I am not obsessed with any shape but 10 years down the line I would like to see myself consistently health, with better mental and muscle health.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? There are too many and still going on. Getting up on time, following a regime for everything, not just workouts.I quit smoking and drinking (by choice), I quit eating oily food and high sugar desserts. I make my own food, do my own chores but did not give up on anyone thing(food). Plus, I am more positive and grateful for what I have and ready to welcome more. Cut out the negativity and you start seeing a difference.

What was the lowest point for you? There are highs and lows, nothing such as I have two really good friends who keep me uplifted. Enjoy the journey its only making you better!

Lessons learnt from weight loss: There are so many lessons I have and would like to tell people reading my story:

- Have Goals, they will give you directions when you are lost!-Whatever happens, dont give up. Bounce back every time!

-Dont get attached to your results! Detach.-Dont wait for motivation

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Weight loss: This photographer shed 50+ kilos through strength training and calorie deficit! - Times of India

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