Flax Seeds (Photo Credits: Pixabay)
Who doesn't want to lose weight? Of course, nobody loves to be overweight and always find ways to shed weight. While on weight loss, foods you eat play a very important role. Having said that let us speak about flax seeds, which might help you to lose weight.Flax is grown for its seeds, which can be ground into flaxseed meal, pressed into oil and it is a fibre rich crop which can be bought into multiple uses. In this week, weight loss tip, we will tell you how you should eat flax seeds to lose weight and burn belly fat.Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Eat Chickpeas to Lose Weight.
Flax, also known as linseed, is a nutrient-dense crop which not only aids in weight loss but can also prove to be beneficial for your health. The tiny brown seed has a distinct flavour which is obtainedfrom the flax plant, whose fibre is used to produce linen. Flax seeds can also enhance digestion and improve heart health. Now without further delay let us have a look at the weight loss property of flax seeds.Sprouts For Weight Loss: All That You Should Know About Sprouting of Moong Beans And How They Help.
The main reason why flax seeds help in weight loss is the fibre-rich property. Foods rich in fibre, makes you feel full and facilitates slow digestion. This, in turn, reduces overeating and help curb hunger. Apart from this flax seeds are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which get converted to prostaglandins once we ingest them. Prostaglandins help in reducing inflammation and also manage metabolism. Flax seeds are also low in sugar and starch which is again a plus point for an ingredient while considering it for weight loss. According to a study published in the National Institute of Health in the year 2017, flax seeds are a good source of lignins which aid in weight loss.
How to Eat Flax Seeds For Weight Loss
Flaxseeds are also rich in protein content, therefore they can even be added in a smoothie for a good post-workout meal. One tablespoon of flax seeds in a day should be enough to improve your health and aid in weight loss. Take guidance from your dietician for proper ways to eat flax seeds. It must also be noted that the overall diet and regular exercise are also necessary for weight loss.
(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)
Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Eat Flax Seeds to Lose Weight (Watch Video) - LatestLY