Its a beautiful sunny day here on Long Island, and Im writing this to you from my parents home. Every Tuesday and Friday, I visit my hometown of Port Washington, and work with my grandmother on rehab from hip replacement surgery last summer, and my dad on improving his strength, tone and overall cardiovascular health.
Just before, I got off the phone with a guy whos been following me for years! Hes a good guy, and has had trouble staying consistent with both a diet and an exercise program. We had a long conversation (the details of which I wont get into here), but more or less, his biggest problem has been getting started.
This is the case for a lot of folks looking to make a change. The vision of where well be at the end of the process is very inspiring, but the act of getting off the couch and doing something is quite another.
It may sound cliche, but its true: The HARDEST thing about making a change is taking that first step! Once you commit and begin to see progress, continuing on that path gets a heck of a lot easier:-)
To give a personal example of something Ive notoriously had grand aspirations to do but have trouble actually executed on, is cleaning my apartment. I HATE tedious activities like cleaning, and look forward to the day(s) where I can hire someone to do that shit for me. Unfortunately, thats not exactly the best allocation of my resources right now, so I have to do that stuff myself.
Like a messy apartment, the longer youve had bad nutritional and poor exercise habits, and the more weight youve put on, the more daunting a task it seems. This makes it harder to motivate yourself to get started
The second I get to the rock bottom point (or in this case, the Alright, I cant stand how messy this place is anymore! point), I find that I build a ton of momentum really fast after washing that first dish or wiping down the first countertop, and the next thing I know, Ive spent 90 minutes to two hours making the place spotless.
The same holds true with your health and weight loss journey! Looking at things from a macro perspective may be daunting at the start, but I PROMISE you, after a week or two of forcing yourself to eat right and to exercise regularly, youll build some positive momentum. The pounds will drop, the inches will shed, youll look and feel better, and youll actually WANT to do those things going forward!
By the time you reach your goal(s), youll have developed a healthy lifestyle that you wont want to recant because you cant imagine going back to where you started:-)
You dont have to go balls to the wall Day 1Just get started! May be today you decide to get my Food Guide and Recipe Book, and begin prepping healthy meals and snacks to replace the bad ones. Perhaps youll forego watching the evening news (which, lets be honest, doesnt do anyone any good!) and instead go for a walk around the block!
Whatever the case may be, do me a favor, and take that first step? Youll be glad you did!
P.S. If you're READY to take that first step on your health and weight loss journey, then youre REALLY going to want to download my FREE report! With 10 years of experience, SEVEN different fitness and nutrition certifications, and a sustained weight loss of 100 lbs., I think I know a thing or two about this Permanent Weight Loss thing This report will provide you with the five strategies I personally used to lose 100 lbs., and KEEP THEM OFF! These are the same five strategies I teach my Permanent Weight Loss clients, and are the basis to losing weight and getting healthy once and for all! To get your FREE copy, please go to
The Morning Email
Wake up to the day's most important news.