Losing weight is far more difficult for some people. This process may look physical but has a deep emotional aspect that only a few people can connect to. In this scenario, the people who have put on excess weight tend to suffer as they consider themselves misfit. It is not entirely their fault because the people around the victims make them feel vulnerable. And, what if the victim is in the limelight? Can you imagine the pressure of being criticized publicly? Can you imagine being constantly clicked and being laughed upon? If you cannot relate to it, Jonah Hill is the celebrity you need to read about. This actor may not have always looked attractive on screen, but surely has a story to tell the audience. And, of all stories, the one that is most inspiring is Jonah Hills weight loss journey. What is the story like? Read on to get to know the actors amazing journey.
As a young teenager, Jonah Hill had sufferedfrom being overweight. No matter where he went, people would call him fat andugly. He tried his best to fit in with the jocks and the hip-hop guys but hisweight did not allow him to mingle with the regular kids. He was like anoutcast waiting to show the world he was handsome in his own way. Thus, thispressure that started in his school days continued with him when he started hiscareer in films. He would get photographed by the press and the next day anarticle would come up on how fat or unattractive he looks. This was tormentingand this is the pressure he could not handle easily.
In order to ensure that people stoppedcriticizing him because of his weight, Jonah Hill tried to lose weight severaltimes. He was successful every time but managed to put weight back on. Thus,several tries at looking constantly fit and attractive made Hill frustrated. Headmits even today that his weakness for pizza and beer amounts to immenseweight gain. He is surprised at how fast he loses weight when he quits drinkingbeer and how fast he gains weight when he resumes drinking the same. Thus,coming to a standstill was becoming extremely difficult.
Jonah Hill visited a nutritionist forconsultation. His diet was changed completely and he resorted to being aresponsible adult by quitting bad eating habits. He started turning away at thesight of cheesy meaty pizzas and switched to healthier food like salads andgrills. His favourite food turned out to be the healthier sushi made witheither salmon or tuna. He also started having sushi without mayo and replacedthe same with fresh veggies. Eating balanced and healthy food again is not theend of the problem because, in order to enhance the process of melting extrafat in the body, exercising is equally important.
Jonah Hill joined a gym and hired a traininginstructor. He went to work out and was spotted exercising with a combinationof running, weightlifting, and boxing. The actor admitted that it was difficultto start working out in the initial days. However, he gathered up enoughenthusiasm and started running. Running regularly gave him the encouragementneeded to work out further. He started doing ten push-ups daily which graduallyincreased to a hundred push-ups a day. This helped him to lose weight fasterand become an inspiration to all.
Jonah Hill Feldstein was born on 20 December1983 in Los Angeles. He grew up amidst creativity because his mother was afashion stylist and costume designer while his father toured with Guns N Rosesas an accountant. This creative environment instilled the passion for writingin this young boy and he dreamed of becoming a successful writer one day. Hisearly days of struggle as a fat kid began in Brentwood School and he laterchanged to Crossroads at Santa Monica. Despite the emotional turmoil he wentthrough, Jonah Hill continued to work hard to finally enter into the New YorkSchool to study drama and pursue writing. During his college days when he wasnot busy gorging on pizza or drinking beer, Jonah Hill was seen busy writingplays and practicing different characters. He received appreciation from hisfellow students and professors which motivated him to try out for roles andmake a career in the movies.
Jonah Hill was a promising actor and it didnot take long for him to make a mark in the industry. During his college dayswhen he was busy writing his heart out, his stage play attracted the attentionof the industry and he was cast in I Heart Huckabees. Jonah Hill did not evenimagine that he would begin with his first film in 2004 itself and this was ablessing that he did not let go. He grabbed this opportunity and performed tothe best of his ability. It was soon after this movie that he started gettingoffers for televisions and movies for minor roles. He used such opportunitiesto excel and gain experience so that he could grab bigger roles in the longrun.
Jonah Hills prayers did not go unanswered.He soon made it to the poster of the movie, Superbad in 2011 and wooed theaudience with his stunning performance. Though he was criticized for being fatand unattractive, his acting skills were praised by both critics and fans. Thisman seized this opportunity as the turning point in his life and began gettingmajor roles. His performance in 2011 in the movie, Moneyball, wasexceptionally good and he got an Oscar nomination. His talent continued tospark the red carpet as he received yet another Oscar nomination for the movie,The Wolf of Wall Street, in 2013. He did not win the award but he again wooedthe spectators in 2016 with his performance in the movie, War Dogs. Hischaracter was brilliantly played out and that won him a nomination at theGolden Globe Awards.
As appreciation and criticism began coming inthe way of Jonah Hill, he started performing better as an actor and strived tolook slimmer day by day. He tried his immense best to lose weight and inspirethe world that used to call him fat once. His struggle did not go in vain because he didmanage to lose sufficient weight to look much better than before. And, it wasduring Jonah Hills weight lossregime that he decided to write down his emotions in the form of a script anddirect an upcoming movie. Mid90s was born out of the heart and mind of thefamous international celebrity that speaks more of the difficult emotionalturmoil he had to go through as a teenager. Today, Jonah Hill has lost over 40pounds and become confident to propose marriage to his girlfriend, Gianna Santos.He has achieved what he did not think was possible and he wishes to instillthis sense of determination in the youngsters today. Hence, Jonah Hill is notjust a comedian that people love to watch but an inspiration that will go downin the history of the world of cinema.
See the article here:
What is the Secret behind Jonah Hill's Weight Loss? - Daily Hawker