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William's Weight Loss Diary: A healthy pruning

Posted: February 7, 2012 at 4:36 pm


William's Weight Loss Diary: Week 1

Week one: I was focused more on learning about health and although I didn't stress about what I was eating, I made efforts to choose healthier options where possible – and I don't mean asking for a diet Coke when ordering fried chicken.

While I have been better all-round, I had a few naughty moments at the weekend. I quickly justified my indiscretions by writing it off to "eliminating future temptation", a type of "fridge exorcism", cleaning my fridge from naughtiness like icecream, pies and cream buns.

February 7: 124kg. I don't want my weight to be the main focus of my journey. However, I will regularly measure. The doctor's scales weighed me in slightly lighter but I must confess that was before I emptied the fridge into my mouth.

The doctor took all my measurements and gave me some good all-round advice about foods to avoid. (This is detailed in the video on Today I will be getting some blood tests and I will see her again for a follow-up. My body mass index (BMI) is really high. In fact, I am obese and she told me that obese people tend to have a higher rate of heart disease and other health related problems.

On the street I bumped into a client of mine who is a health professional, she raised some thought-provoking points on not dieting at all. So I agreed to meet her next week because not dieting sounds pretty good to me.

What I learned in the first week is to keep food simple, eat living foods such as vegetables and fruits, avoid too much junk food, eat healthy-sized portions and do some regular exercise. I think we all know that, but sometimes it's good to hear it again as attaining better health requires determination and motivation above all.

Out for a meal with a friend from Australia, I found myself drooling over the menu and rationalising in my head that my "so-called diet" hasn't really started yet, so it'd be OK to order my favourite deep-fried dish just one more time ... but no! I ordered lamb salad and I couldn't believe the explosions hitting my taste buds. It was so yummy and I felt good about my choice.

I'll admit, I still felt a little peckish but rather than thinking about food, I chose to feel empowered by my decision.

Something I have never done before was while meeting a client for lunch; I simply asked the staff to just give me something healthy. Luckily the staff at MJC had healthy options and served me a delicious quiche. While my tummy wanted more, and was probably traumatised that it wasn't eating fried chicken, I had the determination required to get me through the 20 minutes or so when I'm feeling the hungriest after a meal.

I don't know what possessed me, but I bought some prunes. If I get too hungry a few prunes seem to take the edge off my hunger. I'm not starving myself, but I am eating smaller portions, and a few prunes and a nut mixture in between meals seems to help.

William's music video on YouTube, which kicked off his campaign, has been a runaway hit, with 5539 views as of yesterday morning.

- © Fairfax NZ News

Continued here:
William's Weight Loss Diary: A healthy pruning

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