India is now considered as the diabetes capital of the world. Approximately 8.7 percent of Indians between the age of 20 to 70 years are diabetic. This translates to approximately 62.5 million diabetics living in India, according to estimates by the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) The economic burden of managing this disease is also substantial since this is a combination of cost of treatment and loss of productivity in such a high number of diabetics.Diabetes can affect multiple organ systems resulting in a wide range of serious issues in patients. Many of these complications in a diabetic do not have any specific treatment with conventional medicines.However, an indication of the popularity of homeopathy amongst diabetics is that the doctors at our clinic treat approximately two hundred cases of diabetes or diabetes related issues every day. We have, in fact, developed specific diabetes management protocols for patients based on the experience of thousands of cases we have seen over four decades.
Early DiagnosisThis is the most important phase of diabetes management. When patients come to our clinic with a diagnosis which has been made in the recent past and with marginal elevation in the blood sugar readings, there is a possibility of permanently normalising blood sugar readings. In addition to homeopathic medicines, this reversal has also been demonstrated in several research studies, with strict dietary management and weight loss. Homeopathic medicines like Helonias and Lycopodium help the maximum number of patients.Diabetic NeuropathyDue to sluggish blood flow diabetics may develop neuropathy which can be described as nerve damage in the peripheral parts of their body, commonly in the feet. This can begin as mild tingling and discomfort but can escalate to severe burning sensation, loss of sensation and serious injury to the foot. Prolonged homeopathic medicines help improve these symptoms which have no specific treatment in conventional medicine. Homeopathic medicines like Chamomilla and Hypericum are commonly used for this issue.
This condition can potentially lead to development of ulcers and gangrene in the foot which may require the limb to be amputated. We have treated several thousand cases of foot ulcers with and without gangrene. A very high percentage of patients limbs have been saved from amputation by the treatment provided by us.
Diabetic RetinopathySluggish supply to the blood vessels of the eye results in damage to the retina and other structures. This may result in swelling of the structures of the eye, growth of new vessels, damage to the retina and other complications. Homeopathic medicines can improve blood supply to the structures and reduce swelling and other changes to the eye. With homeopathy thousands of patients have managed to reduce or stop repeated painful management procedures like injections into the eye. The quality of vision may also improve in some patients with the use of homeopathy.
Originally posted here:
World Diabetes Day: Homeopathy may help manage diabetes and other related conditions - Times of India