Many people suffer from depression. In as much as the causes of this mental disorder remain largely unidentified, numerous therapies have been advanced. Mental health experts have been trying to advance therapies that provide a longstanding solution to this disorder. Public awareness has equally been raised in an effort to address the social stigma that is associated with depression.
A study spearheaded by Deakin University researchers indicate that an improvement in ones diet can go a long way in treating depression. Deakin Food and Mood Center Director Prof. Felice Jacka, opines that the study will definitely offer a new approach in the treatment of depression.
For a while, it had been hypothesized that there is a link between peoples risk for depression and the quality of their diet. The situation cuts across different geographical regions, age groups, and cultures. In addition, healthy diets have typically been associated with a lower risk of depression. The study is the worlds first randomized trial and sought to test whether there is a correlation between improved diet quality and low depression levels.
The Trial
During the trial, adults who are affected by major depression were recruited and unsystematically assigned to receive either support from clinical dietitians, or social support for three months. The social support group was headed by trained personnel whose role was to lead discussions on neutral topics that were of interest to participants. This was done to ease the symptoms of major depression. The dietary intervention group was headed by nutritionists whose role was to guide participants about healthy diets.
The nutritional group received info and assistance aimed at augmenting the quality of their diets. Emphasis was placed on increasing the consumption of fruits, veggies, whole grains, olive oil, lean meat, nuts, and fish. Consumption of unnatural foodstuffs such as sugary drinks was discouraged. Both groups underwent equal seven hour-long sessions during the course of the trial.
The trials results were recently published and indicate that subjects who were placed in the nutritional intervention group had an impressive reduction in depression levels compared to those who only received social support. (add this in?: At the end of the trial, a third of those in the dietary support group met criteria for remission of major depression, compared to 8 percent of those in the social support group. ) Prof. Jacka states that the results of the trial cannot be adequately explained by body weight or physical activity. Those who adhered to the nutritional program more closely had the lowest depression levels at the end of the study.
New Insights into the Treatment of Depression
The trials findings will offer therapists a new dimension as far as treating major depression is concerned. Mental disorders are the main cause of disability. Up to half of those who are affected by depression will be helped by dietary control. The trials results will spawn other numerous benefits considering that depression escalates the risk of common physical disorders such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Besides lifestyle diseases, depression has also been linked to inflammation and the health of micro biota in the body. Both of these are linked to ones diet. The trial suggests the adaptation of healthier lifestyles as a natural way of reducing the devastating effects of major depression. It similarly suggests the addition of clinical dietitians to psychotherapy teams since it can help those who suffer from depression. Therefore, an improvement in the quality of ones diet goes beyond the treatment of major depression. It is a crucial determinant of physical and mental health.
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World-First Trial Shows Improving Diet Can Treat Major Depression - Anti Aging News